Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting


Our OAI-PMH web service implementation follows version 2.0 protocol as developed by the Open Archives Initiative.

The base URL for our OAI-PMH server is


Responses are formed in XML that comply with the OAI-PMH v2.0 XML schema found here.


We currently support the following six OAI-PMH request verbs.
  • GetRecord
  • Identify
  • ListIdentifiers
  • ListMetadataFormats
  • ListRecords
  • ListSets



This verb is used to retrieve an individual metadata record from the repository.

  • identifier
    required argument that specifies the unique identifier of the item in the repository from which the record must be disseminated.
  • metadataPrefix
    required argument that specifies the metadataPrefix of the format is included in the metadata portion of the returned record. See the ListMetadataFormats argument for supported metadata formats and prefix's.
Sample Request - Sample record rutgers-lib:1743


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.



This verb is used to retrieve information about the repository.



Sample Request


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.



This verb is used to retrieve an individual metadata record from the repository.

  • metadataPrefix
    required argument that specifies the metadataPrefix of the format is included in the metadata portion of the returned record. See the ListMetadataFormats argument for supported metadata formats and prefix's.
  • from
    optional argument with a value in UTCdatetime format, which defines a lower bound for a date based selective harvesting.
  • until
    optional argument with a value in UTCdatetime format, which defines a upper bound for a date based selective harvesting.
  • set
    optional argument with a setSpec value, which specifies set criteria for selective harvesting.
  • resumptionToken
    exclusive argument with a value that is the flow control token returned by a previous ListIdentifiers request that issued an incomplete list.
Sample Request - Identifiers since January 1st, 2012


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.



This verb is used to retrieve the metadata formats that are available.

  • identifier
    optional argument that specifies the unique identifier of the item for which the available metadata formts will be limited to.
Sample Request


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.



This verb is used to harvest records from the repository.

  • metadataPrefix
    required argument that specifies the metadataPrefix of the format is included in the metadata portion of the returned record. See the ListMetadataFormats argument for supported metadata formats and prefix's.
  • from
    optional argument with a value in UTCdatetime format, which defines a lower bound for a date based selective harvesting.
  • until
    optional argument with a value in UTCdatetime format, which defines a upper bound for a date based selective harvesting.
  • set
    optional argument with a setSpec value, which specifies set criteria for selective harvesting.
  • resumptionToken
    exclusive argument with a value that is the flow control token returned by a previous ListRecords request that issued an incomplete list.
Sample Request - Records since January 1st, 2012


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.



This verb is used to obtain the set structure of a repository, which is useful for selective harvesting.

  • resumptionToken
    exclusive argument with a value that is the flow control token returned by a previous ListSets request that issued an incomplete list.
Sample Request


Additional Information

For more information about this protocol please refer to the documentation provided by the Open Archives Initiative.


RUcore has been developing web services that allow software applications to easily interact with our repository framework of services. These web services are REST based and typically respond to requests in XML or JSON.

Web Services

Listserv and Google Group

A listserv has been established that will be used to communicate service outages and RUcore web service related news. The listserv address is rucore_web_services[at] Visit this page to subscribe.

A Google Group has been created to provide a place for discussion about the web services RUcore provides.

If you have any further questions please contact us.
Version 8.5.5
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